Poems and Pints May 2017
Posted By: admin On Thursday 11th of May 2017 11:21:00.
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Comment from: Aida Birch
Posted On: Wednesday 25th of October 2017 13:29:25.
A fantastic evening shared with Red Poets. Tony has a poem;' Canon Fodder',Andrew'..;tablets'; Al-Jones about Swansea Plaza, Julie has a dramatic poem'Leila', Phil Howells'I get no time, and sings 'That Old Black Magic'Mike Jenkins, a poem to his daughter, 'You are the politician I could never become'. Heather has a poem about 'Poppies', Huw with a meaningful song'Bring the Harvest, Heather P has a very moving poem about nursing care, and a song to follow. Ian T; a thoughtful poem'Four corners of the Earth'. Barry has poetry and a song; 'Dafad'sang in Welsh.Sally reads;'Dic Penderyn. Paula has sensitive poetry, and sings. David; has two strong poems. Michael P sings'You're a Road Hog'Teifion takes ys back to 1956 and Castro. Tony gets us all singing; 'Sugar Mountain.An evwening shared;'Red Poets, and Cambrian Arms Poems and Pints -brilliant!
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Comment from: Phil Knight
Posted On: Wednesday 25th of October 2017 13:30:03.
I would to thank the Red Poets and all the open mic readers for another fantastic night.The highlight for me was the "Maggie Thatcher" song, it gives me hope every time I hear it.
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